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As the intensity of the August heat begins to show the first signs of withering, we find ourselves amidst the season of gratitude and the first harvest—a time of bountiful celebration, shared abundance, and the fulfillment of seeds planted with care. We seeded our intentions for spiritual development at the beginning of the cycle, nurtured them, and protected them, and now we look towards the harvest. Even though September will deepen the withering time, heralding the coming end of the growing season, we celebrate.

Now, there is abundance!



The hard work is behind us, and we stand on the threshold of reaping the rich bounty that our efforts have yielded. August beckons us to embrace the spirit of grateful celebration, acknowledging the deep interconnectedness of our community. This unity and support are what make our celebrations truly bountiful. It’s a time of joy and hope as we eagerly anticipate the fruits of our labor.

Metaphorically, the cycle begun at Imbolc yields the first fruit of our spiritual development; that which was planted, nurtured, and protected begins to bear, and we experience the goodness of the first of the three harvests. From the first stirrings of intention at Imbolc, through the careful tending through summer, our spiritual journey is like the agricultural cycle: seed, fruit, harvest, fallow, seed.  



In August, we celebrate the first ripening of these efforts. As we gather the fruits of our spiritual and physical labors, we extend our gratitude and abundance to our community. Soon, as the year turns, we will shift our focus inward, engaging in deep reflection on what has passed and preparing for the cycle to begin anew.

But for now, let us take this moment to celebrate! Despite any losses or challenges we may have faced, there is always something to be grateful for, no matter how small. In recognizing and cherishing these small blessings, we find opportunities to nurture gratitude and celebrate, even when it feels difficult. In these challenging times, fostering our gratitude helps us shine the brightest, feeding hope and bolstering the strength to carry on. So let us take this time to celebrate!

We might ask ourselves how we can embody this essence of abundance even when it seems scarce. How can we foster and support community celebration in our respective communities, especially when times are challenging?

Let us embrace this season of gratitude and abundance and inspire each other to cultivate joy and connection in every corner of our lives.


Practice Gratitude Journaling and Reflection

One of the simplest yet most profound practices to embrace gratitude and abundance is through gratitude journaling. This daily habit, which requires only a few moments of our time, allows us to pause and reflect on our lives, acknowledging the blessings, achievements, and growth we’ve experienced.

Set aside a few moments each day to write down three things you are grateful for. These can be as simple as a kind word from a friend, the beauty of a sunset, or a personal accomplishment. Over time, this practice helps cultivate a mindset of appreciation, laying the foundation for a life filled with abundance.

Gratitude journaling is not just about listing positives; it’s about deeply feeling and appreciating them. As you write, immerse yourself in the memories and emotions associated with each entry. This transformative reflection can turn ordinary moments into extraordinary reminders of the richness of life, inspiring us to seek and appreciate more of these moments.

Regardless of our circumstances, moments of beauty and joy are open to us when we allow ourselves to be aware. It might be the brilliant color of a passing flower, an unexpected smile, or the first sip of a perfect cup of coffee. These small moments thread our lives with appreciation and a sense of wonder in the miracle of simplicity.  


Harvest Ritual for Personal and Community Abundance

Creating a harvest ritual can symbolize and celebrate the abundance in your life and community. This ritual can be as simple or elaborate as you like. Start by gathering items that represent the fruits of your labor. These could be literal produce from your garden or symbolic items that signify personal achievements and blessings.

In a quiet space, arrange these items and take a moment to offer gratitude for each one. Reflect on the effort and care that went into cultivating these fruits. Then, set intentions for contributing to your community’s well-being. This could involve sharing your harvest with those in need or offering your time and skills to support others.

Whether literal or symbolic, sharing the harvest is a powerful way to spread abundance. Consider donating produce to a local food bank or organizing a community swap where people can exchange goods and services. These acts of generosity help those in need and strengthen the bonds within your community.


Community Support Initiative

A community support initiative can be a practical and impactful way to embody gratitude and abundance. Start by identifying tangible ways in which community members can support each other. This could include sharing surplus harvest, volunteering time, or assisting those in need.

Encourage a ripple effect of generosity by highlighting stories of community members helping one another. These stories can inspire others to take similar actions, creating a culture of support and interconnectedness.

Organize events or campaigns that focus on collective efforts. For example, a community clean-up day or a fundraising event for a local cause can unite people around a common goal. These initiatives address immediate needs and foster a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Your community may already be doing some or all of these activities, so getting involved is a great way to connect and strengthen community bonds.


Gratitude Meditation for Abundant Living

Gratitude meditation is a powerful tool for cultivating a sense of abundance. Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax.

Begin by focusing on the abundance in your life, both material and spiritual. With each breath, envision the blessings and opportunities you have received. Allow this sense of gratitude to fill your heart and mind. Hold the feelings of appreciation and gratitude as you breathe in and out, infusing your body with generosity, compassion, and kindness.

When practiced regularly, these feelings will stay with you, enabling you to meet life’s ups and downs from a grounded and balanced perspective. This practice guards you from the negative and fear-based energies that are so prevalent. 


Community Harvest Feast

A community harvest feast is a wonderful way to celebrate abundance and gratitude. Organize an event where community members can come together to share a meal. Encourage attendees to bring dishes made from their harvest or locally sourced produce.

As you share a meal, take time to acknowledge the interconnectedness of your community. Celebrate the collective efforts that have contributed to your abundance. Express gratitude for each member’s support and contributions.

This feast can be more than just a meal; it can be a celebration of the community’s achievements and a time to set intentions for future growth. Consider incorporating activities such as storytelling, music, or games to foster a sense of connection and joy.


Shamanic Drumming Harvest Journey

A shamanic drumming journey dedicated to the harvest can be a profound way to connect with the spiritual aspects of abundance. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and let the rhythmic beats of a drum guide you into a trance-like state.

During this journey, seek guidance from your spirit allies on the areas of your life you may be ignoring or blind to. We sometimes are trapped by our feelings of scarcity and don’t recognize where our lives are abundant.  You might be focusing on financial struggles while ignoring the abundance of love and support from family and friends. You may dwell on the lack of career advancement, overlooking the skills and experiences you have gained. You may lament the absence of material possessions, not recognizing the wealth of creativity and talent within you.

Pay attention to any insights or messages you receive. These can provide valuable direction for your actions and intentions. After the journey, reflect on your experience and any guidance you received. Take what you learn from the journey and then do the gratitude meditation above and see how much richer your life becomes.


Community Drum Circle for Connection

A community drum circle is a joyful way to foster connection and celebration. Organize or attend a drum circle where community members can bring their drums or percussion instruments.

As you engage in the rhythmic dance of the drum circle, let the energy of collective celebration amplify the sense of interconnectedness. The shared rhythm and movement can create a powerful sense of unity and harmony within the community.

This practice symbolizes the harmony and unity that come from working together and celebrating together. It can also remind us of the strength and support that a connected community provides.


Harvest Journey Offering

Taking a journey specifically focused on offerings for community well-being can provide valuable insights and guidance. Connect with your spirit allies and ask for guidance on how your unique gifts and skills can contribute to the prosperity and support of the community.

During this journey, pay attention to any insights or messages you receive. These can help you identify tangible actions you can take to share the harvest abundance with those around you.

After the journey, reflect on your experience and consider how you can incorporate these insights into your daily life. Sharing your journey and its insights with your community can inspire others to take similar actions and foster a culture of shared abundance.


Growing Together in Gratitude and Abundance

August invites us to revel in the joy of abundance and shared celebration. It is a time to contemplate how we may be of service to our community, sharing abundance and helping create a culture of gratitude and interconnectedness. By embracing practices such as gratitude journaling, harvest rituals, and community support initiatives, we can embody the essence of gratitude and abundance in our daily lives.

Let us grow together, supporting and uplifting one another through acts of substance and shared celebration. By fostering a culture of gratitude and interconnectedness, we can create a community where everyone thrives and flourishes.

May your first harvest be rich with reward and promise.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this content is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or health condition. The use of essential oils and natural remedies mentioned herein should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. We strongly recommend consulting with a qualified healthcare practitioner, such as a physician, aromatherapist, or other experts in integrative medicine, before starting any new health regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering the use of essential oils for children. Always perform a patch test for allergic reactions before applying essential oils topically, and follow safe usage guidelines. Your health and wellness are important to us, and making informed decisions with professional guidance is paramount.

Leslie Rice Botanic Aromatics

Leslie has been a dedicated explorer of holistic remedies for over two decades. Her personal journey has evolved into a thriving business, Botanic Aromatics. Currently completing a certification in professional aromatherapy through Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies, Leslie brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to the realm of natural wellness. With a BA in psychology, Reiki mastery, ordained minister, and shamanic practitioner, Leslie combines diverse skills and insights to pursue holistic living. Alongside her holistic ventures, Leslie is an avid writer, committed to sharing information and passionately conveying insights and knowledge to inspire others on their wellness journey. In her business, Leslie seamlessly intertwines research and intuition to craft unique products for health and wellness, embodying a commitment to balance and personal well-being.

Content written in collaboration with ChatGPT4, Co-Pilot, Yoast, Grammarly and Canva


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