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The Protector

July invites us to honor and recognize the protector within us as a crucial aspect of our spiritual guidance. This protector can be viewed as a guardian spirit, but in essence, it is an integral part of our personality, often referred to as the ego. This part of us helps us navigate the material world but can sometimes hinder our growth by keeping us stuck in a perceived sense of safety. It may operate from a place of fear or domination. In this context, protection is not about control or fear; it is about compassionate care and the willingness to defend what has been created and nurtured. July beckons us to explore the symbiotic relationship between our ego, which helps protect us, and our soul, which needs to explore and grow to reach our full potential.


The Myth of the Amazons

To understand this better, let us look at the mythology of the Amazons, the fierce warrior women of ancient lore. The Amazons were known for their strength, independence, and combat skills. They lived in a society where women were the protectors and leaders, embodying the perfect balance between the warrior spirit and nurturing guardianship.

In mythology, the Amazons were often depicted as protectors of their realm, fiercely defending their way of life. They were not just soldiers fighting for survival but warriors with a purpose, driven by a profound sense of duty to protect their community. This distinction is essential: soldiers fight because they are commanded to, while warriors fight for something greater, often aligned with their inner values and beliefs.

The Amazons’ story can be seen as a metaphor for the relationship between the soul and the ego. Like the Amazons, the soul seeks to explore, grow, and fulfill its purpose. When functioning healthily, the ego protects, ensuring that the soul’s journey is safeguarded. However, just as the Amazons had to balance their fierce independence with their need for community, our ego must balance its protective instincts with the soul’s need for growth and exploration.


Soldiers vs. Warriors: A Metaphorical Insight

The difference between soldiers and warriors offers another layer of understanding. Soldiers are trained to follow orders, often without questioning the underlying purpose. They are essential for maintaining order and achieving strategic goals. Warriors, on the other hand, are driven by a deeper connection to their cause. They embody the spirit of protection through physical defense and a commitment to higher principles and values.

In the context of our inner world, the ego can sometimes act like a soldier, rigidly adhering to the rules it believes are necessary for survival. It may resist change and cling to the familiar, perceiving any deviation as a threat. The soul, however, is like the warrior, driven by a desire for growth, meaning, and connection to something greater than itself.

To harmonize these aspects, we must recognize that true protection is not about domination or fear but about compassionate care and the willingness to defend what has been nurtured. This means allowing the soul to explore and grow while ensuring that the ego’s protective instincts do not hinder this journey.


Practice Section

Ego-Soul Integration Meditation for Spiritual Guidance


  • Find a Quiet Space: Choose a serene location where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Close Your Eyes: Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
  • Visualize the Dance: Envision a harmonious dance between your ego and soul. See the ego as a gentle shield, safeguarding your soul’s work for the highest good.
  • Tandem Effort: Visualize them working together, each contributing to your journey in a balanced way that supports both your spiritual and material growth.
  • Reflect: Spend a few moments reflecting on this integration, acknowledging the protector’s role while embracing the soul’s need for exploration and growth.

Sacred Boundaries Ritual with Spiritual Guidelines


  • Create a Symbolic Boundary: Gather stones, crystals, or other meaningful items.
  • Set Your Intention: As you place each element, set the intention for establishing healthy and supportive boundaries.
  • Visualize Protection: Envision these boundaries protecting your soul’s work while preventing the ego from offering unhelpful protection that may hinder your growth.
  • Honor the Protector: Acknowledge the role of the protector in your life, recognizing its value and setting the intention for it to serve your highest good.

Ego-Soul Dialogue Journaling for Spiritual Guidance


  • Set Aside Time: Find a quiet time and place for journaling.
  • Initiate the Dialogue: Begin by writing a conversation between your ego and your soul. Let the ego express its concerns and fears, and let the soul articulate its dreams and aspirations.
  • Foster Understanding: Through this practice, seek to understand the symbiotic relationship between these two aspects of yourself. Recognize the protector’s role and the soul’s desire for growth.
  • Reflect: After journaling, reflect on the insights gained and how they can inform your journey towards balanced growth.

Guardian Spirit Visualization


  • Prepare for Meditation: Find a comfortable space to meditate.
  • Visualize the Guardian: Close your eyes and invite your personal guardian spirit into your meditation. This could be an animal, an ancestor, or a symbol of protection.
  • Seek Guidance: Ask for guidance on cultivating a nurturing and supportive presence within yourself. Allow this guardian spirit to help you balance the roles of the ego and soul.
  • Dialogue: Engage in a dialogue with the guardian spirit, seeking advice on embodying the protector’s energy in your daily life.

Alternatively, you can use drumming or rattling to enhance your visualization:

  • Drumming/Rattling: Find a quiet space and close your eyes.
  • Rhythmic Sound: Allow the rhythmic sound to guide you into the spirit realm.
  • Connect with the Guardian: Seek the presence of your guardian spirit and engage in a dialogue for guidance on embodying the protector’s energy in your daily life.

Community Protection Ceremony with Spiritual Guidelines


  • Organize a Gathering: Bring together members of your community.
  • Set Collective Intentions: Together, set intentions for supporting and defending each other’s highest good.
  • Symbolic Ritual: Create a symbolic ritual, such as lighting candles or creating a communal boundary with meaningful items.
  • Reinforce Protection: Reinforce the idea that the protector’s energy is amplified when shared within a supportive community.

Ego-Soul Integration Shamanic Dance


  • Find a Space to Dance: Choose a space where you can move freely.
  • Begin Dancing: Move your body freely, letting the dance symbolize the interplay between your ego and soul.
  • Visualize Energy Flow: Envision the energy flowing gracefully between these aspects of yourself, creating a harmonious balance.
  • Reflect: After dancing, reflect on the experience and how it supports your spiritual and material growth.

Embrace It!

July invites us to embrace the nurturing qualities of our ego as it safeguards our soul’s purpose. As we navigate this month, may our shamanic practices of journeying, ritual, dance, and community engagement illuminate the path toward a harmonious relationship between the protector and the free-spirited learner within us.

The Amazons remind us of the power and grace of balancing protection with exploration. By honoring our ego and soul, we can create a life that is secure and profoundly fulfilling. The metaphorical dance between soldier and warrior within us reminds us that true strength comes from integrating our protective instincts with our deeper purpose, allowing us to navigate the material world while staying true to our soul’s calling.

Incorporating these practices into your spiritual guidance routine can enhance your journey toward inner harmony. Whether through meditation for spiritual guidance or adhering to your own spiritual guidelines, these practices can help you achieve a balanced and fulfilling life.

Consider reading Desire- Your Souls Authentic Path for addtional exploration.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this content is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or health condition. The use of essential oils and natural remedies mentioned herein should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. We strongly recommend consulting with a qualified healthcare practitioner, such as a physician, aromatherapist, or other experts in integrative medicine, before starting any new health regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering the use of essential oils for children. Always perform a patch test for allergic reactions before applying essential oils topically, and follow safe usage guidelines. Your health and wellness are important to us, and making informed decisions with professional guidance is paramount.

Leslie Rice Botanic Aromatics

Leslie has been a dedicated explorer of holistic remedies for over two decades. Her personal journey has evolved into a thriving business, Botanic Aromatics. Currently completing a certification in professional aromatherapy through Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies, Leslie brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to the realm of natural wellness. With a BA in psychology, Reiki mastery, ordained minister, and shamanic practitioner, Leslie combines diverse skills and insights to pursue holistic living. Alongside her holistic ventures, Leslie is an avid writer, committed to sharing information and passionately conveying insights and knowledge to inspire others on their wellness journey. In her business, Leslie seamlessly intertwines research and intuition to craft unique products for health and wellness, embodying a commitment to balance and personal well-being.

Content written in collaboration with ChatGPT4, Co-Pilot, Yoast, Grammarly and Canva


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