As we welcome the month of March, we take this opportunity to explore balance. Guided by the subtle dance of the spring equinox, we are invited to assess whether our lives are in balance or out of alignment with our intentions – with the dream seeds we planted.

The equinox approaches when light and dark are held in balance. Just as we move from the inner time of exploration to outer expression. The earth awakens and unseen life emerges, the first buds breaking free from their winter slumber. Their stored energy gathered through their rest – through their dream time-rushes outward, heralding renewal and beginning their march to full bloom inviting us to follow. It beckons us to harmonize our energies to nurture the seeds of our intention and begin our march of manifesting our desires.

Balance is not a static state but a subtle dance, much like the equilibrium between light and dark around the equinox. It requires constant adjustment and reevaluation of our priorities and actions. It’s about making small corrections to stay aligned with our core intentions as conditions and needs change. The ability to If we are to experience a bountiful harvest and have the energy and focus, we must assess where we are because it all begins with balance.


Spring Equinox Reflection

Please take a moment to honor the spring equinox, a celestial event symbolizing the perfect balance between day and night, between the inner journey and our outer expression. Reflect on the areas of your life that need equilibrium and acknowledge the growth that may have unfolded since the seeds of your dreams were first planted. Use this balance point to recalibrate your intentions and align your energies for the journey ahead.

Inner and Outer Cleansing

In the spirit of balance, consider a holistic approach to cleansing—both internally and externally. Engage in practices that nourish your body, such as a mindful cleanse or a rejuvenating diet. Simultaneously, clear the clutter from your physical and mental spaces to create room for the blossoming intentions that await your attention.

Yoga and Mindful Movement

Explore the art of balance through yoga and mindful movement. As nature finds its equilibrium, so too can we through the practice of grounding yoga poses and intentional movement. Connect with the rejuvenating energy of the season, allowing it to flow through you and guide you toward a sense of inner and outer harmony.

Intentional Energy Mapping

Intentional energy mapping is a thoughtful process to identify, understand, and align your energy with your life’s intentions, goals, and actions. It’s about becoming more aware of where your energy flows and how it’s utilized and ensuring it aligns with your desires and your dream seeds. What truly matters to you – are you nurturing your desires or feeding distractions?

 This practice can help you live more intentionally and will help you feed your desires and dreamseeds.  Here’s a step-by-step guide to intentional energy mapping:

 Set Clear Intentions

Reflect on your desires and what is most important to you in life. What do you wish to achieve or cultivate personally and professionally in this cycle?

Define Intentions – based on your values and goals, define clear intentions. Intentions should be specific, meaningful, and resonate with what you truly want to manifest.

The Energy Audit

Track Your Activities for a week or so, and keep a detailed record of how you spend your time and energy. Note both physical and emotional energy expenditures. This may seem like a lot of work, and yet you may be quite surprised by the results.

 Assess Energy Levels – pay attention to how different activities affect your energy. Which activities drain you? Which ones invigorate you?

Finding the Weeds

Categorize Activities – group your activities into things like work, personal growth, relationships, creative pursuits, etc.

Evaluate Alignment – assess how well your current energy investment aligns with your intentions for each category. Identify mismatches where your energy does not align with your goals or values.

Prioritize – decide which areas of your life are most important and deserve more of your energy. Consider what can be allowed to go fallow or weeded out.

Set Boundaries – determine where you need to set boundaries to protect your energy. This may involve saying no to specific commitments, asking for help, changing habits, and metaphorically focus fencing so your energy flows where you want your garden to grow.

Create Your Planting Guide – based on your priorities and boundaries, create a detailed plan for how you will realign your energy. Include specific actions, time frames, and any resources you need, and make gradual adjustments. Focus on one or two areas at a time.

Reflect Regularly – review your energy mapping and the alignment with your intentions. Reflect on what’s working and what’s not, and be flexible in making adjustments as circumstances or energy levels change. Life is dynamic, and your energy mapping should be too.

Planting Ritual

In the spirit of spring’s renewal, do a planting ritual to connect with the act of balance. Select seeds or plants that symbolize the intentions you wish to nurture. As you plant them, infuse them with your energy and intentions, envisioning a garden of balance and abundance that will flourish as the coming seasons unfold. As they grow, connect to your own sense of balance and be aware of how it is responding.

Spring Equinox Meditation

Begin the month with a meditation to attune yourself to the energies of the spring equinox. Connect with the spirits of the land, the elements, and your spirit guides. Seek their guidance on aligning your intentions with the natural balance around you, paving the way for a harmonious and fruitful journey ahead.

Journey for Clarity

Journey to clarify where balance is needed in your life. Connect with your power animal or spirit guide, asking for insights on redirecting your energy and intentions. Let the help of the compassionate healing spirits light the path toward equilibrium and abundance.

Energy Cord Cutting Ritual

As part of your shamanic practice, perform an energy cord-cutting ritual to release any attachments or imbalances hindering your progress. Call upon your spirit guides for assistance in severing energetic ties that no longer serve your highest good, freeing up space for new growth.

March invites us to dance with the delicate equilibrium that nature effortlessly embodies. As we navigate this season of renewal, may the lessons of balance and the wisdom of our spirit guides nurture our intentions, ensuring a harmonious and fruitful journey toward the harvest of our dreams.

Wishing you a month filled with the beauty of balance and the anticipation of an abundant harvest to come.

Soul Earth Alchemy Wellness and Wisdom from the ground up


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